welcome to my world baby :)
welcome to my world :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

new life then :)

assalamualaikum !
oke,,suda lme ta update bloggy burok ny !
:D sgtsgtsgt rindu ! auuwww*
oke sye gedik , ignore it =,=

tjuk today is NEW LIFE
yaww,,ap kaitan nan new life mey ?
emm,,tahlah ! more suffer ? emm not too much~
suffer frm inside bcse missing someone badly , yeah correct ! :'D
imisshim damn much ! faham ? sgt2 rindu !
alaahh abaikan sje prasaan itu !!
harus korbankan buad smntara !!

hdup single ? heyy ta seboring yg u guys sangkekan !
oke,,mybe mule2 rse mcm down smue tuh~
but afta that ble fkir2 about future..
whoaaa mybe kowg akan realise how importants it is ! :)

for orang yg single ny..u guys should read this ! :D

"You can go out and flirt as much as your heart desires, without a worry in the world."

"You can have male friends without having to defend yourself and explain that nothing else is going on."

"You don't have to deal with anyone's grumpy, moody personalities."

"You don't have to stroke the fragile male ego, and other things."

"You don't have to worry if he will or won't call."

"No more arguments about things you can't explain."

ini pndangan mey lah !

heee,,am i right ??

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